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European Union - EFSA evaluates factors contributing to MRSA in pigs

A European Union-wide survey was carried out to assess the prevalence and diversity of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in pig primary production and to provide information on potential factors associated with its prevalence. The survey distinguished between breeding holdings (holdings housing breeding pigs and delivering replacement breeding pigs to breeding holdings and production holdings) and production holdings with breeding pigs (holdings housing breeding pigs and producing mainly pigs for fattening or slaughter).

European Commission will not allow a delay in implementation of the ban on the use of individual sow stalls

In a letter responding to Eurogroup’s request for a clarification of the EU’s current position, the director of the Commission’s animal welfare department informs Eurogroup that the Commission “has no intention” to delay the entry into force of the ban on sow stalls in 2012, which was introduced in 2001 and is included in Directive 2008/120/EC on the protection of pigs.

Philippines - Soon to be declared entirely FMD-free

The Philippines has inched closer to being declared entirely free of the highly contagious Foot and Mouth Disease plaguing hogs after the Department of Agriculture (DA) last month secured a certification from Paris-based Office International des Epizooties (OIE) recognizing two of the three zones (Zones 1 and 3) in Luzon as FMD-free without vaccination.

European Union - Temporary Finnish scheme to grant limited amounts of aid to farmers approved

The European Commission authorised a Finnish scheme with a budget of €22 million which aims at supporting farmers in Finland who encounter difficulties as a result of the current economic crisis. Aid under this scheme can be granted until 31 December 2010 and will take the form of a direct grant. This scheme is a further application of the Commission's Temporary framework for State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisis, as amended end of October 2009 in order to allow Member States to grant limited amounts of aid to primary agricultural producers.

China initiates 3rd round of pork reserves

The Ministry of Commerce, together with the Ministry of Finance, National Development and Reform Commission and Agricultural Development Bank recently launched a new round of pork reserves, aimed at stabilizing domestic pork prices and securing the interests of pig farmers.

Czech Republic - Self-sufficiency in pork to fall below 50%

The Czech Republic last year imported 177,000 tonnes of pork, or about 40 percent of its consumption, but this year its self-sufficency will drop below 50 pct unless conditions for domestic farmers are at least partially evened up with the EU, Agriculture Chamber head Jan Veleba said.

Vietnam - MARD raises PRRS alert

Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has urged the northern province of Bac Giang to take swift action in containing blue-ear disease that has infected over 3000 pigs.