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European Union - Almost 40% of Europeans are aware of the issue of overuse of antibiotics

The Commission publishes two reports which demonstrate the need for further progress in the European Union on the issue of anti microbial resistance. The first is a pan-European survey which reveals some worrying trends in public attitudes towards the use of antibiotics. The results indicate that citizens need more information on the correct use of antibiotics, even though 37% of respondents remember having received information on not overusing antibiotics in the last 12 months. The second document is a progress report, adopted today, on the 2002 Council Recommendation on the prudent use of antibiotics.

Germany - Pork industry report

Pork is by far Germany's most significant meat product. Production in 2009 of 5.25mn tonnes was more than double the combined total production of poultry, beef and lamb that year. Pork production saw rapid growth in the second half of the last decade expanding 22.0% from 2004 to 2009. As production has risen, there has been rapid changes in the structure of the sector.

European Union - The future of European agriculture policy Call for a public debate

At the end of the year the European Commission will publish a Communication on the future of the CAP after 2013. But, before setting down any initial policy guidelines for this strategic sector, Commissioner Cioloş is launching a public debate on the Common Agricultural Policy’s future, objectives, principles and contribution to the ‘Europe 2020’ strategy to inform the preparatory work for the decision-making process.

Malaysia - Price of pigs goes up

The price of pigs from farms will be increased by 30 sen to RM7.90 for every 100gm. Federation of Livestock Farmers Association chairman (swine unit) Jeffery Beh said it was the first time that the price of the animal had reached so high.

Russia - Temporary restrictions imposed on import of animal products from Colombia lifted

The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance lifts from 7 April 2010 previously imposed temporary restrictions (Rosselkhoznadzor Instruction FS-NV-2/8807 dd. 14.08.2009) on import from Colombia (excluding the Nariño Department) to Russia of animals susceptible to FMD, beef, mutton, pork, milk and dairy products including finished products and feeds of animal origin, other raw materials and products derived from animals susceptible to FMD, used equipment for their management, slaughter and processing.

Mexico - Change in food labelling rules

Labels must inform as to the quantity of the ingredients, even though they use additives or composites; they must advise if there are elements than cause allergies, and indicate the country of origin of imports.

Australia - Berkshire a triticale treat for pigs

Berkshire was one of three new grain varieties from Pork CRC plant breeding projects released for commercial sowing during the 2009 season and now available for extensive release. The others were the field pea, Maki and the barley, Shepherd.