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European Union - "Place of farming" declaration backed

MEPs supported a mandatory "place of farming" indication if possible and if it does not included excess costs. This would apply to products where 50% of ingredients are farmed or where marketing indicates what it is, for example orange juice it would say where the oranges were from but not the water or other ingredients that go into it.

Europeoan Union - Changes in the types of pig farm

The number of small breeders follows the trend in the number of small farms, i.e. a general decrease, which is especially marked where there are proportionally more small farms. The number of pigs is falling at a similar rate, as there is a strong link between these two numbers. The number of large fatteners is increasing apart from in a few countries. There, although the number of large farms is stable, their average size is continuing to increase. On average, between the 2003 and 2007 surveys, the number of pigs for the large fatteners doubled, with more extreme figures being seen at national level. At EU level, the increase was 16.4%.

United Kingdom - Code brings clarity to country of origin

There is light at the end of the tunnel for confused consumers as a new labelling code of practice is introduced for the country of origin for pork and pork products. Major supermarkets have endorsed the voluntary code which aims to give clear and unambiguous information about country of origin on packs of pork, bacon and ham.

FAO - Towards a more sustainable livestock sector

Urgent investments, major agricultural research efforts and robust governance are required to ensure that the world's livestock sector responds to a growing demand for animal products and at the same time contributes to poverty reduction, food security, environmental sustainability and human health, FAO said today in a new edition of its flagship publication the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA).

Croatia – Increase in number of pigs

Previous 2009 data, as compared to the final 2008 data, changed in the following way: In comparison to the previous year, the number of cattle decreased by 2%, the number of sheep by 4% and the number of goats by 10%, while the total number of pigs increased by 13% and of poultry by 7%.