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USA - FSIS issues humane handling Directive

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has issued Directive 6910.1, Revision 1: District Veterinary Medical Specialist (DVMS) — Work Methods. This directive provides instruction to DVMSs regarding the work methods they are to use when conducting humane handling verification assessments at both livestock and poultry establishments.

USA - USDA launches toll-free help desk for small meat and poultry processors

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced the opening of its new small plant help-desk, which will provide for operators of small and very small meat, poultry and processed egg products establishments seeking help with agency requirements with direct access to knowledgeable staff specialists.

USA - NC state vets lead way in disaster response for animals

North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine is helping to fill the need through a unique initiative that requires all of its students to receive disaster training, providing a new generation of leaders in veterinary medicine and disaster response.

Canada - Crop, livestock prices slip from 2008

Prices farmers received for their commodities fell 15.7 per cent in September 2009 from the same month a year earlier, as both the crops index and the livestock and animal products index declined, according to Statistics Canada.