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Russia - Change in H1N1 Status

Due to change in the epidemic situation, it is impractical to further maintain the restrictions on import of animals and animal products from the countries where this disease is registered, as these conditions will make a negative economic impact on international trade, and are not able to slow down the disease spreading among people in Russia.

Costa Rica declared free of swine fever

Last September 17, the authorities at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica signed a declaration that certified the absence of swine fever throughout the national territory. The disease had been announced in the country in 1994.

Quick test for antibiotics in food

Institute for Food Safety and the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Colloid Science, both part of Wageningen UR, have developed a new, real-time test to detect antibiotics in the food chain.

USA - Demand for U.S. pork still strong in Japan, Mexico; offset by limited market access in China, Russia

In the first half of the year, the declining performance of certain pork export markets was largely offset by gains in the two leading destinations for U.S. pork (Mexico by volume, Japan in terms of value). While Mexico and Japan continue to perform above their record pace of 2008, the gains achieved in these markets are no longer sufficient to overcome the decline in exports to China and Russia, which are at least partially the result of market access restrictions.

France - Difficulties in the swine market

Between January and March the number of sacrificed pigs has fallen by 1%. Exportations of pig meat have also suffered a decrease in the first seven months of this year with a 5.9% fall compared to 2008, due in a large part to a fall in purchases from Russia and several other Asian countries.

Denmark - Decreasing costs

According to a financial analysis prepared by Danish Agriculture and Food Council the prospects are that pig producers will have decreasing costs during 2010.