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EU Commission publishes annual report on US trade

The European Commission has published its annual report on barriers to trade and investment in the United States. The report focuses on some key trade barriers and measures that prevent EU exporters from tapping into the full potential of the US market. It notes some continuing concerns and highlights a number of new barriers introduced in 2008.

Philippines - NMIS to issue licenses to meat processors

Philippine meat processors will no longer need to secure a license from the Bureau of Food and Drugs, but need only to get accreditation from the National Meat Inspection Service once the administrative order to eliminate the functional overlap is signed.

US - House approves new food-safety laws

The House on Thursday passed legislation to require more frequent inspections of food-processing plants and to give the government the authority to order the recall of tainted foods.

UK - Organic review published

An independent review commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) shows that there are no important differences in the nutrition content, or any additional health benefits, of organic food when compared with conventionally produced food. The focus of the review was the nutritional content of foodstuffs.

USA - Food safety bill fails quick vote in House

The House of Representatives on Wednesday failed to pass sweeping food safety legislation by the two-thirds majority it needed under suspension rules that limited debate and banned amendments from being added on the floor.

USA - Infectious diseases study site questioned

The Department of Homeland Security relied on a rushed, flawed study to justify its decision to locate a $700 million research facility for highly infectious pathogens in a tornado-prone section of Kansas, according to a government report.

USA - Corn, Soybean Crop on Pace

This week’s Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service shows corn and soybean crops continue to develop on pace with last year, although progress remains well below the previous five-year average.

USA - Vilsack names food safety advisor

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced seven new staff position appointments, with titles such as senior advisors, confidential assistant or special assistant in the areas of rural development, natural resources and environment, marketing and regulatory programs and food safety. Dr. Adela Ramos was named senior advisor for food safety.