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Thailand - Thai government sets price for pork

Thailand’s Department of Internal Trade (DIT) at the Commerce Ministry has revealed a new formula to calculate pork prices locally after mounting complaints from consumers on high prices. Under the new method, wholesale pork price is set at a farm-gate price plus 10% while the retail price is the wholesale rate plus 7%.

United Kingdom - FSA to bring MHS inhouse

The Meat Hygiene Service is set to be taken in-house by the Food Standards Agency (FSA). The FSA has announced that planning for the merger between it and the MHS, which is currently an executive agency of the FSA, will commence shortly, with the operational work of the MHS forming the core of a new FSA Operations Group.

USA - Progress made on Russia’s influenza bans, but plant delistings still limit

United States trade officials have gained substantial ground in recent days to reduce the number of states suspended from exporting pork to Russia due to A-H1N1 influenza. But even when the influenza-related suspensions are fully removed, the U.S. must still resolve the issue of having more than 30 pork plants delisted by Russia for other reasons – a problem that has severely limited the flow of exports over the past several months.

Spain – Exports of pig meat and meat based products make up the main part of the foreign meat trade

According to figures published by Estacom, between January and April 2009, the Spanish exports of meat and meat products increased by 2.4%, reaching a total value of 916.53 million euros. The sector shows a positive balance of trade of 526 million euros with a coverage rate of 235%. Despite this increase the only positive movement during these three months was for pig meat which increased by 13.6% up to 509.7 million euros and for the sale of meat based products.

Case study sees weak spots in pork value chain

A case study of a typical value chain in Canada's pork industry shows that changes at several stages, including less emphasis on cutting costs for efficiency's sake, could make "major improvements" for the chain's various links.