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Canada - Change to circovirus vaccine program

The federal government has made changes to its eligibility criteria for the Circovirus Inoculation Program. Applicants deemed to be part of a verifiable production flow will now receive compensation for the vaccination of sows.

Brazil's beef exports down, pork up

Brazil’s 2009 pork exports are up 8 percent to 217,440 MT, valued at US$450 million, a decrease of 16 percent. The drop in value of both beef and pork exports is partially related to the devaluation of the Brazilian real compared to early 2008. Exports to Russia, also the top destination for Brazilian pork, increased by 20 percent to 111,796 MT and accounted for over half of Brazil’s export volume. Hong Kong is also a growth market for Brazilian pork, with exports up 20 percent to 41,518 MT.

EU- EFSA: Animal health safety of fresh meat derived from pigs vaccinated against Classic Swine Fever

In order to support and to improve the control and eradication measures as regards CSF in domestic pigs, EFSA was requested by the Commission to provide scientific advice on the safety of fresh meat (freedom from field virus) derived from vaccinated pigs. Specifically, two terms of reference were given: a) what is the risk that wild-type CSF virus is present in fresh meat obtained from pigs vaccinated in an emergency situation during an outbreak?; and b) what are the sampling schemes and testing procedures needed to detect field virus in fresh meat derived from such vaccinated pigs?

Switzerland sets up Castration Fund

Castration without anaesthesia will be banned in Switzerland from January 2010. Of the three possible alternatives finally the most accepted was castration under narcosis by inhalation. For Swiss swine producers this obligation involves considerable costs since it is necessary to acquire the anaesthesia apparatus, and it is because of this that the “Castration Fund” will begin from July 6 through agreement between users, producers and commerce, for an initial financing for a limited period of 15 months.

Switzerland – New public institute of veterinary welfare

Yesterday, a new public institute of veterinary welfare opened, having been created by the veterinary faculty of Berne and the Federal Veterinary Office. The new institute will make a vital contribution to animal health and to alimentary and sanitary safety in Switzerland.

EU - EFSA: opinion on porcine brucellosis

Following a request from the European Commission (DG Health and Consumer Protection), the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) was requested for an opinion on porcine brucellosis (Brucella suis).

EU - Commission clears merger between Perdigão and Sadia

The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the proposed merger between Perdigão S.A. and Sadia S.A., both of Brazil. Both companies process and supply food products The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

Russia – Restrictions on import of animal products from USA, Brazil, Germany and Spain

Temporary restrictions shall be imposed on import of products from the following plants listed in the Attachment to the letter on 8 July 2009, since banned and harmful substances were detected in animal products produced in the USA, Brazil, Germany and Spain. In case consignments shipped from the mentioned German or Spanish plants before 8 July 2009 and shiploads from the mentioned US and Brazilian plants loaded before 8 July 2009 arrive in the Russian Federation, decision to license their import shall be made in accordance with the routine procedure and with the following obligatory laboratory control.