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UE - Brainstorming of scientists, risk assessors and risk managers on the novel A(H1N1) influenza virus at the human animal interface

A brainstorming meeting of scientists, risk assessors and risk managers on the influenza A(H1N1) at the human animal interface organised by the Commission with the support of ECDC and EFSA took place on 9 June 2009 in Brussels. It focused on the potential risks posed by that virus at the interface between humans and animals. Scientists from the public health, animal health and food safety field from the EU, USA, Canada and Russia attended the meeting.

Vietnam - Livestock industry to modernise

The deputy head of the Husbandry Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nguyen Xuan Duong, said according to the Viet Nam Livestock Development Strategy until 2020, the nation aimed to increase the proportion of livestock products in the agriculture sector to 42 per cent by 2020.

Canada - New market access for Canadian agriculture in Mongolia

Canadian farmers and exporters now have new market opportunities in Mongolia for beef, cattle and swine and their products. Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz made the announcement yesterday after meeting with Mongolia's Minister for Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, the Honourable Tunjin Badamjunai.

USA - U of M Extension helps pork producers ensure animal welfare and food safety

In order to assist pork producers in Minnesota to demonstrate their commitment to consumers and the general public, University of Minnesota Extension has teamed up with the Minnesota Pork Board to provide training and certification sessions for producers to become individually certified in Pork Quality Assurance Plus (PQA+) and Transport Quality Assurance (TQA) programs.

Denmark - Increase in exports of piglets

During April over 640,000 weaners were exported — a staggering increase of 61 percent on April last year. Total export of piglets during the first four months of this year are up over 40 percent on the same period last year.

Brazil - Four new outbreaks of CSF

The OIE has reported 3 new outbreaks of classical swine fever in Rio Grande Do Norte and 1 in Amapá. The three new outbreaks in Rio Grande Do Norte were detected by the surveillance programme and have an epidemiological link with the "Jucurutu 1" outbreak, where animals from the farm considered to be the index farm were introduced. All farms are for self-consumption or local trade. The State of Rio Grande do Norte is located outside the area declared at a national level as free of classical swine fever. The Animal Health Department has approved the vaccination of all pigs of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Vaccination remains prohibited in the rest of the country. In Amapaá, the affected farm, of a traditional type, is for self-consumption. The State of Amapá is located outside the area declared at a national level as free of classical swine fever. Surveillance and epidemiological investigation are continuing.

United Kingdom - Pork sales up £££

Figures from TNS Worldpanel show in the 52-weeks May 08-09 household spending on fresh and frozen meat was almost nine percent higher, with pork sales proving the most buoyant.

A new method for the analysis of manures using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS)

Fertiliser prices have soared over the last three years and, though nitrogen and phosphate prices have fallen recently, interest in making best use of manures and saving on fertiliser inputs remains at a high level. Conventional laboratory analysis of manures is expensive, slow and, for solids, can give unreliable results. NIRS has greatly improved precision and reliability in the analysis of forages and is now routinely used for the analysis of silage and grain.

United Kingdom - Red meat drives UK food export growth

Total meat exports were up 38.3% in 2008, driven primarily by a 43.9% increase in exports of lamb to £263.0m and a 69.3% rise in exports of beef to £212.7m. British pork also enjoyed a resurgence in 2008, with exports climbing by 52.6% to a value of £134.6m. Key to this growth was a jump of 52.6% in pork exports to Germany, which is now the UK’s number one market, worth £48.8m. Sausage exports also continued to grow, up 19.5% to £13.8m.