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USA - California bill on antibiotic use in livestock defeated

A bill that would have affected the use of antibiotics in livestock has been defeated by the California Senate by a vote of 20-15. The bill would have required all school districts in California to make every effort to purchase poultry and meat products that had not been treated with non-theraputic anitibiotics. The original bill was even tougher. It would have prohibited schools from serving poultry or meat products from animals that had been treated with antibiotics at any time during the life of the animal.

Pig soybean allergies studied at North Carolina

When it comes to allergies, pigs are not much different than people. Young piglets and other animals suffer from adverse reactions to soy, leading to a research project to understand the full impact of feeding soy. In doing so, research funded by the United Soybean Board, National Pork Board and QUALISOY can uncover ways to improve U.S. soybean varieties and soybean meal.

Canada - Government of Canada helps farmers by investing in slaughterhouse improvements

The Harper Government’s Economic Action Plan is supporting the livestock sector by making meat packing and processing facilities more competitive and accessible to farmers across the country. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz along with Minister of National Revenue and Minister of State (Agriculture) Jean-Pierre Blackburn today announced that the three-year, $50-million Slaughter Improvement Program is now in place and will soon be accepting applications.

United Kingdom - War on waste: anaerobic digestion demonstration projects get the go-ahead from Defra

Environment Secretary Hilary Benn has today announced the five successful projects to receive government grants to create energy from organic waste, such as food. Anaerobic digestion breaks down organic matter, such as animal manure and food waste to produce biogas, a renewable energy source for heat, power and transport and keeps organic waste out of landfill, which cuts greenhouse gas emissions.

USA - Maryland institute to genotype diseases

The University of Maryland School of Medicine's Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) has been awarded $20 million from the National Institutes of Health to create a Genomic Sequencing Center for Infectious Diseases.

United Kingdom - How We Beat PMWS

There was a rapid increase in farms using vaccine in the BPEX-funded PCV2 vaccination project in spring of last year with the percentage of farms vaccinating later levelling off at close to 70 percent. But figures from NADIS do not show a significant decrease in PMWS. The reason is that, as expected, vaccination, at least in the early stages, does not lead to a complete disappearance of disease from farms, explains NADIS.

Spain – Increase in meat consumption during the first three months of 2009

According to figures from the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, the consumption of meat and meat products increased by 0.6% in the first three months of 2009 compared to the same period of 2008, arriving at a total of 603,030 tonnes. The consumption of fresh meat decreased but the demand for transformed meat products rose by 8.7% reaching 138,026 tonnes, which is 23% of the total sold. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).

USA - U.S. producers launch Sow Retirement Program

American swine producers have introduced a new program designed to allow an equitable exit by sow owners from the farrowing business. Producer Retirement Plan Chairman Chuck Wirtz describes the initiative as an early retirement program to allow producers who exit the industry to re-capture the unused genetic productive value of their sow herds.

Russia - Measures taken by Rosselkhoznadzor after epidemic situation on H1N1 influenza in Canada has changed

Import of live pigs, pork and its non-heat treated products (temperature of treatment shall be at least 800C, time of treatment shall be at least 30 minutes) from the Province of Quebec is banned until further notice because the situation on H1N1 influenza has been complicated. At the same time, earlier imposed restrictions on import of live pigs, pork and its non-heat-treated products from Alberta and British Columbia shall be lifted because the situation there stabilized.