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FAO - Global food supply gradually steadying

With the second-highest recorded cereals crop expected this year and stocks replenished, the world food supply looks less vulnerable to shocks than it was during last year’s food crisis, FAO said in its Food Outlook report published today.

Pigs offer new stem cell source

Chinese scientists have given cells from adult pigs the ability to turn into any tissue in the body, just like embryonic stem cells. They hope the breakthrough could aid research into human disease, and the breeding of animals for organ transplants for humans. It may also enable the development of pigs that are resistant to diseases such as swine flu.

Canadian pork product exports to Australia seen up

Exports of frozen pork products from Canada to Australia and New Zealand during calendar year 2009 were forecast to be up from the previous season, according to projections made by officials at the Canadian Pork Council. Data from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada showed that Canadian pork exports to Australia from January 1 to March 31, 2009 totalled 12,765 metric tons, which compares with 7,910 metric tons at the same time during 2008. Data from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada showed that Canadian pork exports to Australia from January 1 to March 31, 2009 totalled 12,765 metric tons, which compares with 7,910 metric tons at the same time during 2008.

EU project treats agro waste for biogas

The large amount of agricultural waste generated in the EU each year is a headache for farmers who are obliged to get rid of it. The treatments they use tend to be cheap but inadequate. An alternative treatment is the use of biogas via anaerobic digestion (using microorganisms to break down the material in the absence of oxygen). The biogas treatment effectively fuels energy and nutrient recovery, with the added bonus of preventing pollution. The AGROBIOGAS project, backed by the EU with EUR 2.9 million in funding, set its sights on developing this technology, which offers an effective way to treat agricultural waste while being a realistic option for farmers.

EU - How best to address soil degradation and support soil-friendly farming?

The European Commission's Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) will today present the main findings of the two-year project 'Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Conservation (SoCo)' in a policy seminar held in Brussels. The meeting will be attended, among others, by Member States' ministries and academia as well as farming, industrial and environmental organisations.

Ukraine to increase mixed fodder production for poultry and swine

In the current year, Ukraine expects for the growth of mixed fodder production for poultry and swine. In 2008, the product output remained at the level of the previous year, marked A.Burka. The shares of mixed fodder for swine and poultry totals 19% and 13% respectively from the general production volumes.

USA - Wisconsin lawmakers oppose slaughter fee

A group of Wisconsin State Assembly Democrats including Ag Committee Chair Amy Sue Vruwink have sent a letter to the chairs of the Joint Finance Committee asking them to reconsider Governor Jim Doyle’s proposed slaughter fees. The Governor’s proposed biennial budget includes a 14-cent per animal slaughter fee for cattle and hogs, 10-cents for calves and a penny for poultry.

Denmark - Danish Crown will move its slaughtering to Germany

It will be closing more of its slaughterhouses in Denmark. This will take up to 18 months, during which time the co-operative will attempting to build sufficient slaughtering capacity in Germany. Danish Crown continues to be in crisis because increasingly producers are sending their pigs to Germany, where they get a better price.

China's new food safety law comes into force

Chinese authorities have said its new food safety law, which came into effect yesterday, will help prevent the food contamination incidents that have caused so much damage to the reputation of its domestic producers.

Slovenia - Livestock slaughter 2008

Besides ”livestock slaughter in slaughterhouses” for the first time we have published data at the annual level also for 'livestock slaughter outside slaughterhouses” . Data refer to 2008. The presented data show that the majority of pigs slaughter is done in slaughterhouses (almost 64%).