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USA - First-quarter pork imports and exports

USDA revised second-quarter hog prices downward, to reflect price weakness in April and negative effects of H1N1 flu virus in May. June prices are expected to recover from May lows. First-quarter U.S. pork exports were 1.033 billion pounds, 6.6 percent below a year ago, but more than 30 percent above first-quarter 2007. First-quarter U.S. pork imports were 205 million pounds, 5.5 percent lower than last year, with imports from Mexico accounting for a significant share of the decline. Live swine imports were almost 40 percent lower in the first quarter than a year ago.

Canada - China and Philippines restrict ban to Alberta

China and the Philippines have emphasized that their ban on Canadian pork imports are restricted to hogs and pork from Alberta only.Both countries have enforced the restriction following the incidence of of a H1N1 infection in a hog herd in central Alberta's Clearwater County.

USA - Maine becomes latest state to ban sow, veal crates

Effective Jan. 1, 2011, the new law will prohibit gestation crates for sows and veal crates for calves. LD 1021 was sponsored by Senator John Nutting (D-Androscoggin County), Senate Chair of the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee. It passed the committee and both chambers unanimously.

Russia - This year pork imports may drop to nothing

Last year Russian pork production totaled to 2m tons, while the consumption was 2.75m tons. The shortage was offset by the imported meat. If the consumption is down 20%, the demand for pork will amount to 2.2m tons. Taking into consideration an 8% domestic production growth, it will be the volume Russian hog breeders will produce. Thus, we may refuse pork imports at all.

Ethanol co-product scores well in Canadian swine rations

Feeding high levels of distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS) is not only proving to reduce feed costs for Canadian swine producers, but is also lending to "excellent" growth performance, according to Eduardo Beltranena, research scientist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development.

USA - HSUS supporter introduces bill in N.Y.

Legislators in New York introduced a new bill that would prohibit the confinement of breeding pigs, veal calves and egg-laying hens by 2015. New York State Assembly member Linda Rosenthal, D-Manhattan, introduced the bill.

Italy - Pig breeding sector ailing

The Italian Ministry of Agriculture was developing plans to assist Italy’s ailing pig breeding sector, which is being squeezed by continued high input prices and sharply reduced output prices. As a result, the Ministry has proposed significant government assistance for the pig breeders, which it calls “the pillars of Italian food industry.”

Canada - CFIA decodes genetic makeup of H1N1 in swine

Scientists at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease (NCFAD) have mapped the full genetic sequence of the virus found in swine from Alberta-a development that will help scientists around the world better understand the virus and its affects on animals.

Chile – Increase in meat consumption

The latest figures from the Ministry of Agriculture show an increase of 26% in meat consumption in the last 10 years, reaching 81.3 kg/person per year. The report indicates that every year the Chileans consume an average of 33.3 kilos of poultry, 25 kilos of pig meat, 22.1 kilos of beef and 900 grams of ovine, equine and caprine meat, which adds up to a total of 81.3 kilos. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).

Ukraine to ban pork imports from Southern regions of Russia

Ukraine has banned hog and pork product imports from regions of Southern Federal District of Russia. Pursuant to the Head of State Committee on Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine, Pyotr Verbitsky, the ban is linked with the registered case of African swine fever in Rostov region, which is almost 200 kilometers away from the border with the republic.