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Questions and answers on the World Veterinary Day celebration in Brussels

The World Veterinary Day was introduced by the World Veterinary Association (founded in 1906) in the year 2000, to be commemorated on the last Saturday of April, usually with an accompanying theme. This year, World Veterinary Day is on April 25 and the theme is “Veterinarians and Livestock Farmers: A Winning Partnership”.

United Kingdom - New Welsh food safety centre

Improved safety standards and greater support for the food industry in Wales are the twin goals of a new research centre opened yesterday at the School of Health Sciences, which is based at the University of Wales Institute Cardiff.

Denmark - China open for more Danish slaughterhouses

Now China approves three Danish slaughterhouses that are allowed to export meat to the country. The new opening follows the signing in December of a protocol for processed meat by the Danish Food Department and the Chinese Department AQSIQ.

Philippines - Pork production dips in 2008

Disease, high production and marketing costs, bad weather are just among the problems that led to a 1.06% decline in Philippine pork production in 2008. DA Assistant Secretary Salvador Salacup said pork production dipped to 1.86 million tonnes from 1.9 million tonnes in 2007.

Ukraine - Pork is becoming a meat of choice

Bovine, swine and poultry meat constitute the by far largest share of total Ukrainian meat production. In 2007 poultry meat accounted for the largest share of 36%, followed by swine with 33% and bovine for 29%.

Canada - Government of Canada is working closely with provinces and territories and international partners to address Swine Flu

The Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg has confirmed four cases of A, H1N1 swine flu from Nova Scotia. The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control identified two additional cases from British Columbia. All six cases are same strain of human swine influenza that has been found in the U.S. and Mexico. These first cases were detected as a result of the increased surveillance the federal government initiated with the provinces and territories and health professionals given concerns over the spread of swine flu in Mexico and the United States.

Chinese firm recalls tainted luncheon meat

A major Chinese meat processor has recalled 100 boxes of luncheon meat containing a banned chemical, Chinese media reported Thursday. The meat was contaminated with clenbuterol, a drug often given to people to treat asthma, but also commonly used to cut body fat.

USA - Industry keeps eye on thawing relations with Cuba

The U.S. embargo against Cuba is a commercial, economic and financial embargo that was imposed on Cuba on Feb. 3, 1962. Some in the U.S. meat industry are hopeful this most recent move by Obama will lead to normalizing trade. What might be surprising to some readers is despite the trade embargo, Cuba is already a U.S. meat customer. The U.S. was the largest pork supplier to Cuba in 2008, with exports valued at $12.65 million.

USA - USDA to conduct first wide-scale survey of organic agriculture

This spring, USDA will conduct the first-ever, wide-scale survey of organic farming in the United States. The survey will look at many aspects of organic farming during the 2008 calendar year - from production and marketing practices, to income and expenses. It will focus not only on operations that are currently engaged in organic production, but also on those making the transition to organic agriculture.