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China - $9.5b earmarked to help farmers

The central government will spend 65 billion yuan ($9.5 billion) on infrastructure and services in rural areas to help farmers cope with the economic downturn, the State Council said yesterday. The move to support the agricultural sector includes investment in pig raising and dairy farming and improving grain production.

Tiny super-plant can clean up hog farms and be used for ethanol production

Researchers at North Carolina State University have found that a tiny aquatic plant can be used to clean up animal waste at industrial hog farms and potentially be part of the answer for the global energy crisis. Their research shows that growing duckweed on hog wastewater can produce five to six times more starch per acre than corn, according to researcher Dr. Jay Cheng. This means that ethanol production using duckweed could be "faster and cheaper than from corn," says fellow researcher Dr. Anne-Marie Stomp.

EU - Commission Communication: 'Towards a better targeting of the aid to farmers in areas with natural handicaps'

The European Commission adopted a Communication paving the way for a new classification of agricultural areas with natural handicaps. With the help of scientific experts, the Commission has identified 8 soil and climate criteria as a basis for objectively and clearly classifying such areas. However, before presenting a legislative proposal, the Commission needs more data to assess their feasibility. Therefore, Member States are asked to provide simulations using national data to show how the criteria might work. The new classification system is likely to be in place in 2014; meanwhile the current system remains in force.

Mexico - Record in meat production in 2008

According to the Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing and Food (Sagarpa), Mexico produced 2.225 million tonnes (MT) of bovine meat, 1.16 of porcine meat and 2.804 MT of chicken meat.(Original in Spanish).

USA - Co-ops have huge economic impact

USDA has helped produce a comprehensive new study and database assessing the national economic impact of cooperatives. Called, “Research on the Economic Impact of Cooperatives,” the study began in 2006. It shows that more than 29,000 American cooperatives generate revenues of more than $654 billion and employ more than 2 million workers.

EU - Commission publishes 2008 report on the agricultural situation in the EU

The Commission just published the 2008 edition of its yearly report on the agricultural situation in the European Union. A large part of the report is devoted to statistical information on Community agriculture. This is drawn up on the basis of information from Eurostat and data collected by the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Germany – Increase in piglet imports

Denmark and Holland are the biggest exporters of piglets in the UE, together arriving at 10 million exported pigs last year, of which 6.9 million went to Germany. (Original in German. Read Google translation here).

USA - New swine flu strain found in San Diego, Imperial counties

Two cases of swine flu have been identified in San Diego and Imperial counties, leading to an investigation by state, local and federal health officials to find the source or sources. A 9-year-old girl in Imperial County and a 10-year-old boy in San Diego County were identified as suffering from swine flu. Both have recovered, but health officials remain puzzled because neither had been in contact with pigs and the strain was one never identified in the U.S.