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G8 - First step against food price speculation

The Group of Eight rich nations took a first step Monday towards fighting speculators who have helped push up the cost of basic foods, sparking riots in several poor countries. The G8 agriculture ministers called for a study into setting up a global system to stockpile essential foodstuffs after three days of talks in northeastern Italy joined by key emerging and developing countries.

United Kingdom - Food Fraud Advisory Unit launched

The Food Fraud Advisory Unit (FFAU) is a group of 15* officials with extensive skills and experience in carrying out food fraud investigations. The FFAU members have agreed, with the support of their employers, to provide advice, on request, to any UK local authority involved in investigating food fraud. This could include any illegal activity relating to food or feed.

USA - Antibiotics pose concern for ethanol producers

The ethanol industry must be wondering where the bottom is. Profits are slim or non-existent, and about 20 percent of all U.S. plants are shut down. In addition, ethanol's main by-product, which is sold as livestock feed, has raised potential food safety concerns.

World Pork Report: China Production, Consumption Up, Exports Cut

Production is now forecast up 2 percent from last year, as expansion in China (nearly 50 percent of world production) overshadows lower production for most other major producers. Global pork imports are now forecast to drop 13 percent from last year, with lower imports expected for 8 of the top 10 importing countries. Pork exports are now cut by 12 percent from last year with global economic weakness, the credit crunch, and trade restrictive policies.

Japan - Normalized imports of pig meat from Chile

The Japanese government has authorized the entry of all pig meat from Chile from last Friday 17 April. This step assumes the overcoming of the case of contamination with dioxins that affected the swine industry in 2008. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).

USA - Study shows need for state, local food safety efforts

In the wake of a series of high-profile foodborne illness outbreaks, the focus has been on how to improve government food safety efforts at the federal level. A new report issued by the Department of Health Policy at The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services recommends the development of an integrated national food safety system that not only reforms federal food safety efforts, but also strengthens state and local government roles in detection and inspection.

USA - EPA Finds Greenhouse Gases Pose Threat to Public Health, Welfare

After a thorough scientific review ordered in 2007 by the U.S. Supreme Court, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a proposed finding Friday that greenhouse gases contribute to air pollution that may endanger public health or welfare. The proposed finding, which now moves to a public comment period, identified six greenhouse gases that pose a potential threat.