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EU - Commission publishes prospects for agricultural markets and income 2008-2015

This report provides an outlook for agricultural commodities (cereals, oilseeds, meat and dairy products) in the EU-27 over the 2008-2015 period, based on specific assumptions on agricultural and trade policies and the macro-economic environment. They do not consider the potential outcome of the multilateral trade negotiations within the framework of the Doha Development Round. Therefore the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture and other existing trade commitments are assumed to remain unchanged and to be met over the period 2008-2015.

Spain – Meat production increased by 1.1% in 2008

In the year 2008 a total of 5,729,125 tonnes of fresh meat from different species was produced in Spain. This quantity supposes an increase of 1.1% compared to 2007. Pig meat made up the majority of the total with 61%, and an increase in production of 1.3%. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).

EU - Viable rules on the welfare of animals at the time of slaughter

In a consultation report the Agriculture Committee approved a European Commission proposal seeking to replace the 1993 directive on the protection of animals at the time of slaughter by a new regulation to improve animal welfare while allowing more uniform application of EU rules in Member States.

USA - Greenhouse gas emissions reporting rule

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last week issued a proposed rule that would require businesses, including livestock operations, to report emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide — the so-called greenhouse gases. Livestock operations that emit 25,000 metric tons or more of those gases annually would be subject to the regulation.

USA - Purdue experts on pigs and MRSA infection say link is highly speculative

MRSA, (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), or antibiotic-resistant staph, can be found anywhere in nature, according to Paul Ebner, a livestock microbiologist. While he said there has been an increase in the number of these infections and that pigs and other animals can be carriers, the vast majority of infections come from skin-to-skin contact with infected humans.

Canada - Open pork marketing on hold for now

A ruling, rendered by Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal vice-chair Marthanne Robson late Friday, maintains a full judicial stay on the Farm Products Marketing Commission’s plans to end Ontario Pork’s single desk selling powers, April 1. The terms of the stay will be considered at a continuance of a pre-hearing conference scheduled for April 17.

USA - USTR announces delay of trade action in beef hormones dispute

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative announced today that it is delaying by one month the imposition of additional duties on a modified list of EU products in connection with World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement rulings in the EU – Beef Hormones dispute. Under a determination announced on January 15, 2009, the additional duties were to go into effect on March 23, 2009. Under the delay announced today, the additional duties are scheduled to go into effect on April 23, 2009.

United Kingdom - AHDB confirms levy increase for pig producers

Pig producers will be faced with an increased levy for the coming year while farmers from all other sectors will see no change to the levy they currently pay. The decision to raise pig levies by 10p per head was taken after it was reduced last year in response to the poor profitability of the sector.

Philippines - Ifugao implements emergency employment program

To cushion the impact brought about by recession especially for the most vulnerable sectors due to lost or reduced income as a consequence of the global economic crisis, this province is now implementing the so-called Comprehensive Livelihood Emergency Employment Program (CLEEP) under the Department of Agriculture (DA). The CLEEP identified for Ifugao involves the distribution of goats and hogs to farm families to utilize available backyard pastures and areas for their livelihood.

USA - Online humane care training

The American Humane Certified farm animal welfare program has announced it will launch an online Humane Care Training Program for livestock producers to use in educating employees, growers and contractors who handle animals.

Ukraine - State reserve to sell meat

The State Reserve announced a meat auction for March 25, 2009 where it is planned to sell 38,500 t of frozen pork of 2nd category in semi carcasses (starting price is US $ 105/t, 965,200 t of frozen poultry meat (halves and quarters) and 195,800 t of poultry meat (carcasses). The deadline for submitting an application is March 23, 2009.