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USA - Einstein researchers develop novel antibiotics that don't trigger resistance

In a study described in Nature Chemical Biology, researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in Bronx, N.Y., are developing a new generation of antibiotic compounds that do not provoke bacterial resistance. The compounds work against two notorious microbes: Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera, and Escherichia coli O157:H7, the food contaminant that causes approximately 110,000 illnesses and 50 deaths each year in the U.S.

Switzerland- Pig castration

Castration of male piglets without anaesthesia will be banned in Switzerland by 2010. As alternative solutions there are the following methods: castration with Isoflurane narcosis and vaccination against boar taint. The vaccination against boar taint is favoured by veterinarians, animal welfare and consumer groups and represents an optimal solution for producers.

Denmark - New salmonella plan

Danish Bacon and Meat Council will change the priorities in its new plan of action against salmonella called SH IV, representing the fourth plan in a row. The new plan is supposed to improve the struggle against salmonella without great additional cost for the industry.

EU - Unprecendented drop in pig numbers

The total European Union breeding herd fell by an unprecedented six percent compared with a year earlier, according to December census results. Slaughter pigs are down five percent.

Taiwan - Closing of over 4,000 pig farms reduced water pollution

According to EPA reports, the overall ammonia nitrogen tested at Kaoping river, a major water source of the island, decreased by 0.2 cc/liter in the past eight years, a significant number when considering the volume of the body of water. The EPA also succeeded in closing over 4,000 pig farms near the five major rivers of Taiwan over the past eight years, said Chang Ting-jing, director of the Bureau of Environmental Inspection of the EPA.

Thailand - Food export projection goes from bad to worse

The private sector anticipates food exports will drop this year by 15% from last year's 778 billion baht. The National Food Institute (NFI), the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Thai Industries project Thai food shipments of 661.2 billion baht this year due to the global crisis. The groups projected commodity exports worth 156.4 billion baht, down by 31.4%, semi-processed foods 137.6 billion (-16.9%), beverages 12.1 billion (-15.2%), animal food 38.46 billion (-11.8%) and processed food 316.58 billion baht (-3%).

EU - Some continental producers will quit in 2013

Fears have also been expressed that the sow herd will shrink when the European Union partial ban on stalls comes fully into effect in 2013. Producers in other countries may decide to quit also, rather than invest in new sow accommodation. This will lead to a significant shortage of pigs on the continent from 2013 onwards.

USA - Mandatory or voluntary remains the big issue for Animal ID

The House Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry held a hearing to review animal identification systems on Wednesday. The National Animal Identification System is a voluntary program that has been in place since 2004, but many are pushing for the program to become mandatory.