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USA - Study finds consumers changing how they shop during hard economic times

While shoppers are eating out less and cooking more, they are also trading down, substituting and eliminating, resulting in the overall spending amount remaining roughly the same, at $91 per week. While grocery expenses may be relatively unchanged, the way shoppers are spending most certainly is not. The study found that at least half are using coupons whenever possible, buying only what they need and switching from national brands to store brands. Other popular measures include resisting luxury foods and buying items on sale.

Philippines - Hog culling over; 6,000 pigs killed

The Bureau of Animal Industry has finished culling over 6,000 hogs on a farm in Pandi, Bulacan to stop the transmission of the Ebola Reston virus or ERV. BAI Director Davinio Catbagan said in a report that the depopulation process was completed at 8:15 p.m. Friday with 6,210 hogs of various ages killed, burned, and buried.

USA - AMS survey stores on COOL

The U.S. Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Meat Grading & Certification Branch is completing a survey this month to determine the kind of country-of-origin labels (COOL) that are being used for meat and other products governed by the COOL law, according to Craig Morris, AMS deputy administrator for the livestock and seed program.

USA - Illinois pork cooperative files Chapter 7 bankruptcy

A producer-owned pork processing cooperative in Illinois has announced it will file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Assets will be liquidated, including the cooperative's 30-million dollar processing facility at Rantoul, Ill., in order to pay as many debts as possible according to a memo from the Meadowbrook board of directors. The cooperative was formed nine years ago with over 200 producer members.

Australia - Free Range labelling in the spotlight

The Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport has announced that it will be extending its inquiry to include the use of labels 'organic' and 'free range' across all meat products. "This is very encouraging news for the free range pork industry" says Lee McCosker, President of the Free Range Pork Farmers Association.

France - Decrease in swine production

Figures released by the Ministry of Agriculture show how French swine livestock continued to decrease in the month of November 2008. (Original in French. Read Google translation here).

EU - Pig prices move ahead as breeding herd shrinks

Falls in the EU pig breeding herd are predicted of at least 4% in the first quarter of 2009, and 2% in the second quarter. The production decline is affecting finished pig supplies, helping to push EU pig prices so far in 2009 to 3% ahead of year earlier levels.