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Spain - Searching for new vaccine strategies against classical swine fever

A new project granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation will permit investigating new vaccine strategies against classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and studying the mechanisms of infection and protection. This project is coordinated among the Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA), Centro de Biología Molecular (CBM SO-CSIC) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).

FAO - Early indications hint at smaller 2009 cereal crop

Early indications point to a reduction in global cereal output in 2009 from the 2008 record, according to FAO's latest Crop Prospects and Food Situation report. Smaller plantings and adverse weather look likely to bring grain production down in most of the world's major producers.

EU – Pig production costs

In 2007, the Netherlands and Denmark had the lowest production costs for farming pigs of all the European countries studied. However, if the cost of production rights purchased is also taken into account - € 0.05 per kg - the Netherlands lags behind Denmark in terms of production costs. France has a solid third position on the list, whereas Germany, Poland and Spain - where production costs are around € 0.20 higher - are quite far behind the numbers one and two in Europe. The production costs in the US and Brazil are significantly lower than in Europe.

Vietnam - Cholera kills hundreds of pigs in Ha Tinh

An additional of 200 pigs were found dead in hamlet 4, Cam Quan commune, Cam Xuyen district in the central province of Ha Tinh, said Nguyen Thanh Binh, head of the provincial Animal Heath Agency, on Feb. 12. Samples taken from the dead pigs tested positive for the cholera bacteria. So far, the disease has killed more than 600 pigs in the locality.

USA - Vilsack: Food safety should be under one agency

The peanut recall offers a prime opportunity to merge all federal food safety oversight into one agency, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Friday. Right now, the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture share oversight responsibilities, along with other government agencies, dividing authority along lines that don't always make sense. For example, the FDA oversees eggs in the shell, while the Agriculture Department is responsible for processed egg products.

EU - Agricultural Prices in 2008

According to the estimates for Agricultural Price Indices (API) that the Member States have supplied to Eurostat, output prices in nominal terms are reckoned to have increased by 6.5% in the European Union (EU 27) in 2008 compared to 2007. When adjusted for inflation (deflated or in real terms) the result is a 2.7% increase in 2008, following a 6.5% rise in 2007. The increase in the total output index was driven by the rise in real prices of Animal output (6.6%), while Crop output remained at almost the same level as in 2007.

Holland – Improvement in sanitary conditions of swine herds

The PVV has agreed to finance the continuation of the project of improvement in herd sanitary conditions started two years ago. During the first years surveys were made and measures were applied. It is hoped that the improvements will be seen in 2009 thanks to the implemented measures. (Original in Dutch. Read Google translation here).

China - January inflation down to 1 per cent; warning signs of deflation

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), few commodity prices continued to increase potently, especially food stood up at 4.2 per cent and fresh vegetables prices up 19.6 per cent; but there was relief on pork prices, highest meat consumption in China down by 13.3 per cent in January.

Brazil – SC begin exporting to Chile

A cooperative in Santa Catarina, the only Brazilian state believed to be free from foot and mouth disease without vaccination, has begun exporting pig meat to Chile. Exportation to Chile is considered to be a first step towards conquering the European and Japanese markets. (Original in Portuguese. Read Google translation here).

United Kingdom - Bpex adverts banned over welfare claims row

Part of a major advertising campaign from Bpex to promote the British pig industry has been banned after animal welfare groups complained to the UK advertising watchdog. The Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) ruled against a recent advert published as part of Bpex’s ‘pigs are worth it’ campaign which described the industry as having ‘very high welfare standards’.