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EU - Community Veterinary Emergency Team

The Team includes experts in the fields of veterinary sciences, virology, wildlife, laboratory testing, risk management and other relevant areas. The experts will be on stand-by, ready to respond in animal health situations.

Piglet feed supplements support immune systems

As feed costs rise and the production of ethanol from corn grain increases, swine producers have ramped up their search for new feed supplements for younger swine. According to studies by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists, feeding dried distiller's grains (DDGS) to piglets can give their immune systems an extra boost.

Holland - Controversy over gassing pigs

Socialist Party Member of Parliament, Krista van Velzen, has raised questions about a carbon dioxide gas anesthesia used in Dutch slaughterhouses. In response to the questions, Verburg wrote a letter to parliament.

Philippines - Salmonella infection in hogs in Samar under control

Department of Agriculture (DA) officials in the region said that it considers the cases of salmonella infection of hogs in Sta. Rita town in Samar province now "under control," reported Dr. Andrew Orais, Regional Livestock Coordinator. "There were no report until this time of sick pigs from the area. We are optimistic that the cases are now controlled," said Orais.

United Kingdom – Defra: Rural businesses vital to economy

Environment Secretary Hilary Benn has pledged government support for rural communities and businesses today. Mr Benn said that he will be bringing together the Commission for Rural Communities and the Regional Development Agencies to look at how the recession is affecting rural areas and whether additional help might be needed.

Brazil-Meat industry slows down

Several of the major players in the Brazilian meat industry, have closed down their plants and taken extended summer holidays, giving the staff paid leave. The unprecedented move is caused by the lack of export orders for beef, pork and poultry and gives the market time to heal itself.

EU - 240 agricultural acts withdrawn from EU legislation

As part of the Commission's drive to reduce the regulatory burden and red-tape and in the framework of the Communication on simplification and better regulation of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Commission today adopted a Communication removing 240 obsolete agricultural legislative acts adopted before 2007 from the legislation in force.

OIE - Veterinary education on the move for a world that's well protected

Over 90 of the OIE's Member Countries, for the most part developing and in-transition countries in all regions of the world, have already invited the OIE to conduct an independent evaluation of their national animal health systems. The OIE conducts these evaluations using its “Performance of Veterinary Services” tool (PVS tool), based on 40 criteria each with 5 levels of quality.

Denmark – Decrease in the number of pigs

The latest figures for January 1st 2009 indicate a reduction in the number of pigs in the country, with decreases for all categories of animals. (Original in German. Read Google translation here).

EU – Genetics: The SABRE project

EU-funded scientists are applying the latest genetic techniques to aid in the development of profitable farming systems that produce safe, high quality food while reducing their environmental impact and maintaining high animal welfare standards. Almost 200 researchers from 33 organisations in 14 countries are involved in the SABRE ('Cutting edge genomics for sustainable animal breeding') project, which is financed under the 'Food quality and safety' Thematic area of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) with EUR 13.9 million.