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United Kingdom - Meat waste targets planned

The UK’s top grocery retailers, brands and manufacturers have committed to an industry-wide food waste reduction objective for the first time. It is hoped that the strategy, delivered under the Waste & Resources Action Programme’s (WRAPs) Love Food Hate Waste campaign, will reduce the amount of food waste thrown away by 155,000 tonnes by 2010, against a 2008 baseline.

Philippines - Four new human Ebola cases

Four more people in the Philippines have been discovered infected by the Ebola-Reston virus and the possibility of pig-to-human transmission cannot be dismissed, the government said Friday.

USA - Legislation would Ban Livestock from Argentina

U.S. Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., and U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., introduced legislation Wednesday to prevent the importation of livestock from Argentina until the United States Department of Agriculture can certify that Argentina is free of Foot and Mouth Disease.

EU - Proposal to protect animals at the time of slaughter

The EU proposal focuses on ensuring there is a level playing field with respect to welfare standards for animals killed in a slaughterhouse, on a farm or for disease management purposes and that they are spared avoidable suffering. The proposal covers all animals including poultry and fish, but excludes reptiles and amphibians.

Portugal - The Commission investigates Portuguese aid for the collection, transportation, treatment and destruction of slaughterhouse waste

The European Commission has today decided to open a formal investigation procedure, under the Treaty rules on State aid, into the aid which Portugal has been granting since 1998 to cover the costs of the collection, transportation, treatment and destruction of mammalian and poultry meat by-products. The aid has been funded by means of parafiscal charges levied inter alia on any overcompensation given to undertakings which provide services and on any benefit granted to slaughtering and cutting centres and to livestock farmers for services rendered to them.

Czech Republic - Czech meat output drops 11% in Q4 2008

Czech meat output dropped by 11 percent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2008 owing to a considerable fall in pork and poultry production. In full-year 2008, meat output amounted to 598,953 tonnes in carcass value, down 4.4 percent year-on-year.