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USA - New diet breath of fresh air to livestock units

As populations expand into rural areas, more people are turning up their noses at malodorous livestock operations. With funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education & Extension Service, Alan Sutton and colleagues at Purdue University, Michigan State University and the University of Missouri developed and implemented diet modification strategies that reduce nutrient excretion and enhance air quality around pork operations.

Poland – Decrease in porcine livestock

Polish porcine figures continues to decrease. In November there were 14.2 million head of porcine livestock, which is a decrease of 19% compared to the previous year. (Original in German. Read Google translation here).

Holland – Increase in pig exports

During 2008 Dutch pig exports increased by 12% compared to 2007. A total of 85% of these exports were to Germany. (Original in German. Read Google translation here).

China says seizes tainted Irish pork

Chinese quarantine authorities in the eastern city of Nanjing have seized more than 23 tonnes of frozen Irish pork that was found to be contaminated with dioxin and ordered it be returned, state media said on Sunday.

Russia – Increase in meat production in 2008

According to reports from RosStat, meat production in the Russian federation increased by 11.6% in the last year, reaching a total of 2.9 million tonnes. (Original in Russian. Read Google translation here).

Germany – Hessen increases controls against CSF

The minister of agriculture for Hessen has decided to increase controls to prevent the appearance of classical swine fever (CSF) in wild boars after the appearance of outbreaks of the disease in wild boars in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. (Original in German. Read Google translation here).

USA - Cold storage meat supplies on the rise

USDA released its monthly Cold Storage Report this week, showing meat and poultry stocks are entering freezers at a faster pace than a year ago. The combined beef, pork and poultry inventories on Dec.31, 2008, at 2.193 billion pounds, were about 13 percent higher than the previous year, and 14 percent higher than the five-year average.

Canada - Choose Canadian program builds consumer awareness of Canadian pork

Pork Marketing Canada's Choose Canadian program is a voluntary national labelling initiative involving pork processors and retailers that identifies Canadian pork in the retail meat case. The label which bears a Canadian flag and the words "Canadian Pork-Porc Canadien" is easily identifiable and is intended to differentiate pork produced in Canada from imported product.

USA - USTR announces revised Trade Action in beef hormones dispute

U.S. Trade Representative Susan C. Schwab announced today that USTR is modifying the list of EU products subject to additional duties in connection with World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement rulings in the EU – Beef Hormones dispute. The modifications, which also help respond to a court-ordered review, make additions to and deletions from the list of the products subject to additional duties, change the EU member States whose products are subject to the duties, and for one product, increase the level of the additional duties.

United Kingdom - Red tractor logo backed by levy board

At its meeting today (Friday), the Board of AHDB agreed to provide a financial contribution to promote the Red Tractor Logo. It decided to pursue State Aid Approval immediately, as a prerequisite for any investment decision on consumer promotion activity.

Canada - Government invests in new opportunities for biofuels and livestock sector

Led by the University of Saskatchewan, the FOBI network is a multidisciplinary initiative composed of private, public and academic members from the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Feedlot Health Management Services Ltd., Prairie Swine Centre Inc. and the Saskatchewan Research Council. The FOBI network will focus on creating higher quality livestock feed from ethanol waste, also known as co-products or distillers grains. The research will explore the integration of livestock production and wheat-based ethanol production, and focus on creating new co-products and new markets for existing co-products and Canadian farmers.

USA - The transformation of U.S. livestock agriculture

U.S. livestock production has shifted to much larger and more specialized farms, and the various stages of input provision, farm production, and processing are now much more tightly coordinated through formal contracts and shared ownership of assets. Important financial advantages have driven these structural changes, which in turn have boosted productivity growth in the livestock sector. But structural changes can also generate environmental and health risks for society, as industrialization concentrates animals and animal wastes in localized areas.