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EU - EFSA evaluates Salmonella contamination of slaughter pigs

EFSA’s Task Force on Zoonoses Data Collection has published an analysis of the risk factors related to Salmonella in slaughter pigs within the European Union (EU). Whilst the results revealed that Salmonella infected pigs were more likely to lead to Salmonella contaminated carcasses, these could also come from uninfected pigs. Moreover, the Salmonella carcass contamination was more likely to happen in some slaughterhouses than in others.

United Kingdom - Safety campaign targets farming industry

Livestock farmers are amongst those targeted by the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) latest safety campaign, which aims to prevent deaths and serious injuries in the agriculture industry. The HSE has launched the ‘Make the promise. Come home safe’ campaign in a bid to reduce the number of fatal accidents on farms.

United Kingdom - Environment taskforce launched

Leading meat industry representatives from farmers through to retailers have come together to form an environmental taskforce to develop an environmental ‘roadmap’ for the sector. The Meat Roadmap will give the industry the tools it needs to address a broad range of environmental issues in addition to carbon across the product supply chain.

United Kingdom - English pig industry embarks on time and motion study

A new venture to benchmark the cost of labour for particular tasks in British pig production has gained funding from BPEX’s Innovation Fund. The technique was originally developed to help bring down costs in the dairy industry. It is the first time the labour efficiency scheme has been applied to the pig sector.

Philippines - FAO/OIE/WHO offer assistance

Following the detection of the Ebola-Reston virus in pigs in the Philippines, FAO, OIE and WHO announced that the government of the Philippines has requested the three agencies send an expert mission to work with human and animal health experts in the Philippines to further investigate the situation.

Mexico - Mexico ends meat-import bans on five more U.S. plants

Mexico ended bans on meat imports from five more U.S. plants that were decertified by the country last week. A total of 25 plants have been cleared to ship to Mexico, out of about 30 that lost export certification last week. Mexico halted shipments from the pork, beef and poultry plants on Dec. 23 after they failed to meet quality and technical standards, according to the USDA.