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China - Most feed free of melamine

After examining 22,700 batches of animal feed in the country, only 2.39 percent were found with excessive melamine content, the National Feed Office, under the Ministry of Agriculture.

USA - EPA issues exemptions for hazardous waste, factory farms

The Environmental Protection Agency issued a new regulation yesterday exempting an estimated 118,500 tons of hazardous waste annually from strict federal incineration controls, and it separately exempted factory farms from a requirement to report hazardous air pollution to the federal government.

EU - Promotion of agricultural products outside the EU

The European Commission has approved measures to provide information on, and to promote agricultural products in third countries. They are targeted at Russia, Ukraine, China, Japan and North America. The products covered are wine, fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy products and PDO and organic products.

Canada - Elimination of KVD applauded by livestock producers

With the start of the 2008-2009 crop year, the Canadian Grain Commission eliminated the use of Kernel Visual Distinguishability (KVD) as a registration criteria for wheat and introduced a new general purpose wheat class. Pork producers had been calling for the elimination of KVD for a long time and he considers the change extremely important for the swine industry. This will allow varieties that previously would not have met KVD and therefor would not have been allowed to be released to move forward and be licensed.

United Kingdom - Pig Industry Fights Back

Lower mortality and more pigs finished per sow per year have given the British pig industry a boost, but it still remains one of the highest cost producers according to the latest BPEX publication.

USA - Red meat and poultry per capita consumption dropping in 2008

In 2007, estimated U.S. per capita total red meat and poultry consumption (retail weight basis) was 221.3 pounds per person, a record amount. However, contraction in the hog and poultry industries during the fourth quarter combined with lower slaughter cattle numbers suggests total per capita consumption will be down in 2008.

EU - Q-PorkChains calls for pilot and demonstration activities

Q-PorkChains, an EU funded project of the EU 6th Framework Program and the largest project which is engaged in meat science, aims at setting up additional pilot and demonstration activities. New industry partners will be integrated via a competitive call in the first part of 2009 (March till May 2009) to test the most promising innovations deriving from the project.

EU - Member States unanimously back Private Storage Aid scheme to help Irish pork market

The Member States of the European Union today voted unanimously in favour of a proposal to introduce a specific private storage aid scheme for pigmeat produced in Ireland. This EU-funded storage scheme, backed at today's Management Committee, will involve only meat coming from pigs reared in Ireland on farms not affected by contaminated feed. Under the aid scheme, a maximum of 30,000 tonnes of pigmeat can be stored for a period of up to 6 months.

EU - EFSA: no safety concerns resulting from the use of L-valine in all animal species

The Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) assessed the supplementary information supplied by the applicant on the impurities of L-valine. It concluded that there are no safety concerns resulting from the use of the additive L-valine in all animal species with a minimum content in the dry matter of 98 % L-valine and unidentified impurities of less than 1 %.

EU - Commission proposes ways to deliver cheaper and more competitive food prices in Europe

The European Commission has agreed a Communication that aims to improve the functioning of the food supply chain in order to lower prices for consumers. The prices of food have come down significantly from record levels earlier this year but the underlying causes for the surge in agricultural commodity prices in the medium-term -including regulatory restrictions, insufficient competition and speculation – have not disappeared and must be dealt with.