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EU - EFSA responds to Commission’s urgent request on dioxins in Irish pork

EFSA has today published its statement in response to a request received from the European Commission on 8 December 2008 for urgent scientific and technical assistance following the discovery of dioxin contamination in some Irish pork. The Commission asked EFSA to provide scientific assistance on the risks for human health related to the possible presence of dioxins in pork and products containing pork.

EU - Council conclusions on Genetically Modified Organisms

The Council, enphasises the need to improve harmonisation of the Member States' assessment practices while ensuring that each GMP should be analysed on a case-by-case, welcomes the Commission's mandate to the EFSA to undertake a revision exercise started in March 2008 and to be completed no later than March 2010 regarding its guidelines on environmental risk assessment...

China - Chinese target small producers' food safety standards

A four-month campaign to restore the tarnished image of Chinese food products and ingredients in the wake of the melamine scandal will begin this week, according to the government in Beijing. Its aim will be to ensure all food products are free of non-edible substances and excessive levels of additives. The campaign, to be organized jointly by nine central government departments, will be divided into three phases.

Philippines - Atypical PRRS virus

The OIE has informed about the presence of atypical PRRS virus in the district of Sto Nino (Pandi municipality, Bulacan province) and in the district of Pinagpanaan (Talavera municipality, Nueva Ecija province). Samples from the outbreaks were sent to the USDA Plum Island laboratory. Results show that samples were positive for porcine circovirus type 2 and atypical PRRS virus, which is 98% homologous to the atypical PRRS virus isolated in China and Vietnam. With high morbidity and mortality observed similar to China and Vietnam, it was concluded that these outbreaks were most likely caused by atypical PRRS virus.

EU - Contamination incident in pork meat from Ireland : The European Commission follows closely the contamination incident to ensure public health protection.

The Commission is closely following up this contamination incident and the actions taken to withdraw any potentially contaminated pork meat and pork meat products from the market ensuring consumer health protection. The Commission will organise within very short notice a meeting with the competent authorities from the affected Member States to share information and to ensure a harmonised enforcement approach across the affected Member States to ensure a high level of human health protection. The Commission will provide regular updates on developments in this contamination incident.