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China - Stop importing pork products from Ireland

China's quality supervisor is suspending the import of Irish pork products and animal feed over concerns the food may be contaminated with a potentially harmful chemical. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) also urged local entry-exit inspection and quarantine inspectors to recall and return pork products already in China if they were made in Ireland after September 1.

Philippines - Hog cholera in Oro now an epidemic

The hog cholera outbreak in this city has turned from worse to "epidemic proportions," killing at least 2,300 pigs in the past five days. The hog cholera outbreak in this city is the highest reported in the Philippines.

Mexico - Researchers from UNAM create a gel vaccine against App

This is the first gel vaccine to be developed in the country that can be given orally and the digestive process of the pigs does not reduce its effectiveness. The product is an innovation in the area of veterinary pharmacology, not only for the method of administration but also for its content since it attacks the most important serotypes of the Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae bacteria.

Vietnam - Melamine threshold for animal feed

The acceptable concentration of melamine in animal feed is up to 2.5mg/kg, equivalent to the standard in the US, Canada and the European Union, according to a decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).

New Zealand - Pork Industry to turn waste into energy

The Pork Industry (NZPork), the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) have joined together to launch the eight month project which will evaluate using manure in different biogas systems on farms.

Canada - Government to begin formal WTO consultations on U.S. COOL

The decision to request consultations follows discussions and representations to the United States on Canada’s concerns with COOL. WTO consultations provide the parties with an opportunity to resolve a dispute through formal discussions. If consultations fail to resolve the issue, the matter can be referred to a WTO dispute settlement panel.

USDA - NPPC offers public policy program for swine vets

The National Pork Producers Council has created a news program designed to educate swine veterinarians about issues of concern to the U.S. pork industry. The program will focus on how policy is made on the federal level and how to communicate effectively with lawmakers and regulatory officials.