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USA – Final CAFO rule published

The final CAFO (confined animal feeding operations) were published in the Federal Register on November 20, 2008 and will become effective on December 20, 2008.

FAO - Appeal for New World Agricultural Order

FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf today appealed to world leaders to meet together next year to design a new agricultural order and find $30 billion a year to eradicate hunger from the Earth once and for all.

USA - Corn vs Milo

Over the past several years corn plantings have increased at the expense of milo. As a result, many swine producers have been transitioning to corn-based diets.

United Kingdom - Pig Project a Huge Success

The project, involving national mass vaccination of pigs, was looking at the value of vaccinating against PCV2 and the results are so important for the English pig industry, the preliminary findings are being announced immediately.

USA - USGC Works to Build World DDG Market

U.S. exports of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are growing by leaps and bounds. Use by international livestock producers is increasing as the ethanol co-product proves a safe, nutritious and price-competitive ingredient.