Russia: Retail pork price estimates for 2022
The retail cost of pork in Russia in 2022 will grow at a rate many times lower than inflation due to an increase in the production of this product and stabilization of the cost structure.
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The retail cost of pork in Russia in 2022 will grow at a rate many times lower than inflation due to an increase in the production of this product and stabilization of the cost structure.
The initiative concludes its five years of progress by improving livestock health, productivity and farmers’ livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Compared to May 3, 2021, the swine herd is down 9.8% or 2.42 million head.
World Organisation for Animal Health report shows promising trends in the race to fight antimicrobial resistance and preserve the efficacy of these critical medicines.
Exports of pork from the UK to the Philippines reached almost £17 million in the first four months of 2022 – up 14% on the same period last year.
The amount of antibiotic used to treat pigs on UK farms in 2021 fell by 17%, bringing the total reduction since 2015 to 69%.
One week ago Canada authorized the first Brazilian plants to import their pork. Now Canada has announced the authorization of two others.
Event offered updating and networking for participants from 55 countries.
The veterinary authorities have denied the presence of foot-and-mouth and swine vesicular disease.
The pig herd in Germany's leading pig-producing state is at 7.3 million head, down 10.6% from May 2021.
The first day of the event was marked by the face-to-face meeting of leaders of this production chain in Rio de Janeiro.
The laboratory plays a critical role in the international monitoring and control of African swine fever.
The Canadian market has recently opened its doors to Brazilian pork.
With rising costs, there is little chance that the piglet price in the Netherlands will reach break-even levels in 2022, according to Rabobank.