The ideal farrowing facilities (2/2): feeding and environmental control systems
This time, Joan Wennberg discusses the different feeding and environmental control systems in the farrowing house with Heraclio Corchón and Javier Lorente
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Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
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Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
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This time, Joan Wennberg discusses the different feeding and environmental control systems in the farrowing house with Heraclio Corchón and Javier Lorente
Products obtained from insects have a high proportion of crude protein: 40-44% in the case of the black soldier fly larvae, or up to 60% in the case of black fly larvae or in grasshoppers, and even reaching 70% in the case of silkworms.
Analysis of the intestinal situation of piglets is an essential action in health management programs. A piglet population with good intestinal health has excellent feed conversion efficiency.
In the previous paper, the effects of nutrient restriction and consequent catabolism during lactation on sow reproduction yield have been addressed. In the present paper, the efficiency of sows in using energy from feed and body mass is considered.
The study described here was designed to determine if the body tissue mobilization during lactation imposed by feed restriction could affect litter size and sow performance in the subsequent lactation.
With the restrictions on antimicrobial use as a preventive measure, a new era is born in the design of pre-weaning and grower diets. The transition to this new scenario must be approached in a comprehensive way.
Biological alterations in immune and intestinal systems occur immediately after weaning that affect subsequent pig growth and health.
Pelleting and extrusion can potentially increase energy and nutrient digestibility of swine diets and their effects are affected by the diet composition.
We need to understand what is happening and what the circumstances are that cause bacteria that are also present in the microbiota of healthy piglets to multiply in such a way that they are capable of causing diarrhoea.
To achieve a good feed intake it is essential to reach adequate water consumption
Pigs exposed to heat stress increase their body temperature and reduce the size of their intestinal villi, thus increasing the loss of endogenous AAs and reducing the abundance of AA transporters in the intestine, as well as apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of AAs.
There is a widespread trend throughout Europe to decrease the protein levels in feeds, together with an adequate supplementation of industrial amino acids.
Choice feeding is the best choice for piglets of different weights and / or ages to choose between two different feeds in order to meet their growth needs. The response is even better in farms with enteric problems.
Predicting the functional effect of fibre ingredients when fed to early weaning piglets is advisable in order to control the gut health.
Understand the role nutrition can play in gut health and animal performance is essential to enjoying good performance as we move away from antibiotic growth promoters and heavy metals.
The handling disadvantages derived from the addition of an extra feed are outweighed by the improvement in production and decrease in the number of farrowing problems.