Is body condition the right tool to adjust feeding in pregnant sows?
Energy intake based on body condition differs greatly from the energy adult sows require. Moreover, the NRC clearly overestimates the sows' maintenance requirements.
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Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
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Energy intake based on body condition differs greatly from the energy adult sows require. Moreover, the NRC clearly overestimates the sows' maintenance requirements.
The addition of alternative ingredients to the ration will depend mainly on how their variation in nutritional composition compares to soybeans and on their price, which will determine their inclusion rate and their actual inclusion.
Neonatal mineral and vitamin supplementation have a huge impact on bone development and body composition via the regulation of mesenchymal stem cells and satellite cell programing.
Enric Marco sums up the essential points to control post-weaning diarrhoea in our farm.
The evolution of genetics in modern sows requires nutritionists to evolve their diets and feeding programs accordingly. Nutritionist need to consider not only the role of nutrition on metabolism but also on hormone regulation and subsequent reproduction.
The immunomodulatory effect —particularly anti-inflammatory— of phytogenic products added to the diet seems to play a crucial role in addressing intestinal clinical pictures in pigs.
Various strategies are discussed: offering up to 3 different types of feed, budget feeding, density of piglets per feeder space, ...
Adding organic iron in piglets drinking water during lactation may be an alternative to parenteral administration of inorganic iron.
Weaning triggers a series of changes leading to the decrease of feed intake and the deterioration of the intestinal architecture which finally results in infection, diarrhoea and low performance.
Variability of feed ingredients is analysed, as well as its consequences on consumption and lean tissue growth in fattening pigs.
We present the first results obtained by cross-matching data from different sources: production / reproduction data with data from feeding machines.
Due to their higher energy, phosphorus and amino acids content when compared to corn, wheat and barley, DDGS are presented as a nutritional and cheap alternative feed in the animals diet.
A good diet is not enough to prevent post-weaning diarrhoea in the youngest, lightest animals, since they do not eat as much as they should.
The article suggests various environmental and feed program changes and assesses their effect on pig performance and feed cost.
The use of proven phytases in swine, is recognized to be an extremely useful tool for nutritionists not only in formulating more affordable feed without altering animal performance, but even improving it.
Interactions between nutritional strategies and prevalence / severity of GI clinical pictures caused by E. coli after weaning.