Page 26 of articles about feed
Use of special diets during the pre- and postpartum periods
The use of two different feeds for the sows in the farrowing quarters is not always easy at a logistical level.
Russia: temporary restrictions on feed and feed additive import from Spain are lifted
Mineral digestibility in meat and bone meal fed to growing pigs
Mycotoxins in pig production. Definition, classification and toxic effects
Given the complexity of the problem caused by mycotoxins in pig production, we must come up with a preventive strategy in order to attain a contamination level that is as low as possible.
How to budget feed costs in the presence of high price variation?
This is done by moving from single most likely value to ranges of possible outcomes with an assigned probability
Organic acids and medium chain fatty acids on the gastrointestinal health in weanling pigs
European Union: authorisation of fumaric acid as a feed additive for all animal species
Vietnam's feed raw materials imports up 38%
Prenatal flavour exposure through maternal diets influences flavour preference in piglets before and after weaning
Meta-analysis on the effects of the physical environment, animal traits, feeder and feed characteristics on the feeding behaviour and performance of growing-finishing pigs
Microbial quality of fresh pork loin during storage affected by oregano oil and cranberry pulp diet supplementation in pigs
Phytase supplementation on nutrient digestibility, mineral utilization and performance in growing pigs
European Union: increasing self-sufficiency in protein crops is important for the EU
Feeding during the lactation period: hoppers versus feeders
The hoppers and the feeders will condition our ability for attaining maximum feed consumption.