Page 39 of articles about feed

Canada - Research investment will benefit swine producers

The Government of Canada is investing in an innovative project that will benefit Canadian swine producers and consumers. Coop fédérée will receive up to $80,000 to study and develop feeding recommendations to maximize sow milk production through gestation, ensuring optimal growth of suckling piglets.

Netherlands - Insufficient compensation for agriculture

For the Dutch agricultural sector, 2009 was a bad year economically. Production increased slightly, but most primary agriculture market prices fell. The average agricultural income decreased to 5,500 euros per farm, its lowest point in twenty years.

FAO cuts wheat production forecast but considers supplies adequate

International wheat prices have jumped by over 50 percent since June. This rapid increase in prices is prompting concerns about a repeat of the crisis of 2007/08. But after two consecutive years of record crops, world inventories have been replenished sufficiently to cover the current anticipated production shortfall.