Page 44 of articles about feed
Efficacy of different commercial phytase sources and development of a phosphorus release curve
United Kingdom - Statistics on GB animal feed
The effect of dietary laminarin and fucoidan in the diet of the weanling piglet on performance, selected faecal microbial populations and volatile fatty acid concentrations
Linseed oil in the maternal diet during gestation and lactation modifies fatty acid composition, mucosal architecture, and mast cell regulation of the ileal barrier in piglets
Philippines - Dry spell causes chicken, pork prices to rise
USA - Swine feed ingredient composition data sought
Mycotoxin binders and a liquid immunity enhancer: effects on the growth performance of wean-to-finish pigs
Conditions for breeding during weaning
European Union - Commission announces upcoming proposal on choice for Member States to cultivate or not GMO's
Effects of copper sulfate and zinc oxide on weanling pig growth and plasma mineral levels
Effect of a phtyase from Aspergillus niger on nutrient digestibility and activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin in weanling pigs
Electronic sow feeding system
This video shows the sows entering and leaving the feeding system.