Page 46 of articles about feed

Dietary protein in piglet diets

In order to apply the most suitable feeding regime to newly weaned pigs it is important to balance the trade off between the detrimental effect on performance of feeding levels of protein that are too low to allow maximal growth and those which increase the risk of post weaning diarrhoea.

European Union - Commission authorises GM maize MIR604

The European Commission adopted today a Decision authorising genetically modified (GM) maize MIR604 for food and feed uses and import and processing. MIR604 maize received a positive safety assessment from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and underwent the full authorisation procedure set out in the EU legislation.

EU – Checks for melamine can be reduced

Systematic checks on all consignments originating in or consigned from China of feed and food containing milk, milk products, soya or soya products and of ammonium bicarbonate intended for food and feed are no longer necessary given the significant decrease in RASFF notifications, so the intensity of physical checks should be reduced.

Market 1 Inc. Futures Forecasting Risk Management

In response to increasing client demand for market advising and risk management support, Farmers Options & Hedging Services has expanded its successful core services beyond grain marketing. As the business launches and brands itself in more diverse markets, they have changed their name from Farmers Options & Hedging Services, Inc. to Market 1 Inc. – Futures Forecasting and Risk Management.

Tryptophan in swine nutrition

Tryptophan has positive effects on voluntary feed intake. This greater feed intake leads to increased growth performance and improved feed conversion ratio in piglets, and to lower body weight losses in sows during lactation.