Page 123 of articles about nutrition
Influence of gestation diet on piglet birth weight and glycogen reserves
UK: new pre-requisite programmes from BSI set to minimise risks in the manufacture of animal food and feed
Growth performance, digestibility and faecal coliform bacteria in weaned piglets fed a diet including either chicory or ribwort
EFSA: opinion on the safety and efficacy of thaumatin
Effects of tryptophan supplementation on aggression among group-housed gestating sows
Studies on the effects of essential oil-based feed additives on performance, ileal nutrient digestibility and selected bacterial groups in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets
DSM Nutritional Products establishes Nutritional Lipids
Role of dietary fibre source and meal size on the ileal transit of digesta in growing pigs
Superior growth repressing effect of HiZox on E.coli pathogenic strains
Use of fermented wheat germ extract: effects on production parameters and immune status of growing pigs
Milk production and nutritional requirements of modern sows (II)
In addition to amino acid intake, proper energy intake is essential for maximizing milk production in sows. Both the amount of and type of energy can influence milk production.