Page 124 of articles about nutrition

European Union - EU countries should be able to ban GMOs on environmental grounds

MEPs from the Environment Committee voted to allow EU countries to ban or restrict the use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) on environmental grounds, giving them better legal protection in the event of challenges from trading partners opposed to a ban. "Our proposal offers states a solid, legal basis," said French Liberal Corinne Lepage, Parliament's draftswoman for the rules.

Nutreco starts research partnership in China

Nutreco starts a research partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture Feed Industry Centre (MAFIC) of China. The MAFIC institute is part of the China Agricultural University in Beijing, which is China's leading university on animal nutrition.

Digestibility and feed value of high-protein ingredients for organically reared piglets

From 2012, feeds for organically farmed pigs must consist of 100% organic ingredients. Pea protein concentrate and rapeseed protein concentrate may be attractive high-protein ingredients for piglet feeds. This is the conclusion from research by Wageningen UR Livestock Research into the digestibility and nutritional value of a number of high-protein ingredients for organically farmed weaned piglets.