Page 125 of articles about nutrition

European Union - EFSA assesses the safety of food irradiation

EFSA’s scientific experts have updated scientific advice on the safety of irradiation of food – a process which can be used to destroy bacteria that cause food poisoning. In its comprehensive advice to EU policy makers, EFSA’s BIOHAZ Panel looked at the efficacy and microbiological safety of the process, and EFSA’s CEF Panel looked at possible risks arising from the formation of several chemical substances as a result of food irradiation.

European Union - Meat-and-bonemeal moves closer

The European Parliament would support a Commission proposal to lift the ban on the use of meat-and-bonemeal in pig and poultry feed but only if the strictest testing and surveillance mechanisms are enforced, according to a draft report.

EU countries reject EP call for labelling of clone-derived food

Meat from the offspring of cloned animals could find its way onto the EU market, with no-one being any the wiser, after member state representatives refused the Parliament's demand to label clone-derived products. The two sides met until late Monday night to discuss updating novel food rules, but were unable to reach agreement on clone-derived food and nanotechnology.

FAO - Global wheat production to increase in 2011

FAO's first forecast for world wheat production in 2011 stands at 676 million tonnes, representing a growth of 3.4 percent from 2010, the March 2011 edition of the Crop Prospects and Food Situation report. This level would still be below the bumper harvests in 2008 and 2009.