Page 131 of articles about nutrition

Thailand - Tariff revenue cuts meat costs

The government plans to use the duty income charged on imported soybean meal to lower the production cost of chicken, pork and eggs so it can cut the retail prices on these items for consumers.The strategy is part of a broader policy to cut the price of some foods and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to reduce the cost of living.

European Union - BfR, DTU and Anses enter into cooperation agreement

On 7 December 2010 the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the French Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (Anses) and the Food Institute of the Danish Tekniske Universitet (DTU) signed a cooperation agreement. The objective of the German-French-Danish cooperation is to render the joint activities in the field of food safety, also on the European level, even more effective and efficient than in the past.

USA - Senate passes food-safety bill

Sunday evening, the Senate approved the bill by unanimous consent, sending it to the House, where passage is expected. President Obama has said he would sign the legislation, which would give the government far-reaching authority to set and enforce safety standards for farmers and food processors.

European Union - An enhanced EU policy to help better communicate the quality of food products

Guaranteeing quality to consumers and a fair price for farmers are the twin aims of the "Quality Package" adopted today by the European Commission. This Quality Package sets up for the first time a comprehensive policy on certification schemes, value-adding terms for agricultural product qualities, and product standards. Until now these have been spread among numerous pieces of legislation. With this Package, the Commission covers all facets of quality, from compliance with minimum standards to highly specific products.