Page 138 of articles about nutrition

Crude protein in piglet diets

To maximize piglet growth, it is recommended that levels of crude protein be at 20-23% in pre-starters and 18-20% in starters. However, part of that crude protein will not be digested at the end of the ileum, and it will enter the large intestine together with the endogenous waste.

The future’s green! The future’s Olmix!

The commonly held view amongst Western pig producers is that Asian pig producers use antibiotic growth promoters as a substitute for good husbandry techniques. No doubt some Asian producers do have this mentality, but increasingly there are worries about antibiotic residues in pork with the carry -over effects on the consumer and so progressive producers are looking to find green alternatives to AGPs.

United Kingdom - Food Standards Agency to keep crucial safety role

Public confidence in food safety issues will be protected, as the Government confirmed its intention to retain the Food Standards Agency (FSA) with a renewed focus on food safety. The FSA in England will focus on its core remit of food safety policy and enforcement. The Department of Health will become responsible for nutrition policy in England, and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs will become responsible for Country of Origin Labelling, and various other non-safety-related food labelling and food composition policies in England.