Page 154 of articles about nutrition

Pork CRC: Award winning pig egg cells

Vital research to reduce seasonal infertility, an ongoing problem for Australia’s pig industry, has been rewarded with a 2009 Science and Innovation Award for Michael Bertoldo, a Pork CRC supported PhD student at The University of Sydney.

Pork CRC makes pig's breakfast of award

Feeding pigs has sometimes been a fairly hit-and-miss affair, but award-winning new technology developed with Pork CRC support aims to bring precision livestock farming technology to piggeries across Australia and make pig feeding less of a pig’s breakfast.

FAO - Food production will have to increase by 70 percent

Producing 70 percent more food for an additional 2.3 billion people by 2050 while at the same time combating poverty and hunger, using scarce natural resources more efficiently and adapting to climate change are the main challenges world agriculture will face in the coming decades, according to an FAO discussion paper.

Use of Oligosaccharides in Swine Nutrition

Our research model has been a short chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS) fed to swine. This compound was selected because it was identified in human and swine milk, was shown to have health benefits in human infants and patients recovering from intestinal anastomosis. The health benefit was believed to occur via the trophic effect of scFOS on the Bifidobacteria population.