Page 3 of articles about protein
Feeding simple diets with protein suited to nursery pigs
Choosing the right protein sources for (pre-) starter feed is crucial to support gut health, reducing reliance on feed additives.
Diet and microbiota-gut-brain axis in relation to tail biting in pigs
Canada's investment in black soldier fly facility
Up to $6 million will help build a new facility that will increase the production of sustainable, insect-based products to feed animals.
Supplementing sows with spray-dried plasma during late-gestation and lactation
WEDA supplies feeding system for Europe’s largest insect breeding facility
Fly larvae as an efficient source of protein for the animal feed of the future.
Insect larvae as a protein source for pig feed – What’s the future?
The pros, cons, and current limitations of using black soldier fly larvae as an alternative protein source.
APC launches new hdrolyzed products line
APC has taken a step further with the launch of a hydrolyzed proteins line of products, Pepteiva, Peptein and Cravings based on the already proven proteins and functional products such as Appetein (plasma) and AP 301 (hemoglobin).
Performance and carcass quality affected by different amino acid levels during growing and finishing
Effects of Morus nigra L. leaves on growth performance, carcass traits and meat quality in finishing pigs
Impact of dietary Spirulina on performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality in post-weaning piglets
Do increased levels of condensed tannins from sainfoin affect entire male pigs?
Effect of protein restriction on compensatory growth regulation in pigs
The role of highly digestible protein sources in post-weaning diets without ZnO
Standard digestibility protocols measure digestibility only at the end of the ileum using growing pigs models. Are these protocols valid in newly weaned pigs?
Iberian pigs: Effect of free-range and low-protein concentrated diets on meat quality
Insect feeding with Weda technology
Insect-based animal feed is used increasingly worldwide due to the high protein content and the efficient, sustainable production possibilities.