Page 6 of articles about protein
Use of alfalfa silage is a suitable feed ingredient for fattening pigs in organic pig production systems
Reduction of protein levels as strategy to reduce environmental impact of pig production
EU Commission launches publication of comprehensive EU protein balance sheet
Diet digestibility and growth performance of weaned pigs fed Brassica napus canola meal
EU-Brazil: joint action plan towards responsible soy production and trade
Amino acid digestibility of novel protein sources for growing pigs
Enzymatic feather meal as protein source for diets in nursery pigs
Progressive reductions in crude protein and indispensable amino acids on carcass quality and uniformity of heavy pigs
Alternative sources of soy protein in pigs' feed
The addition of alternative ingredients to the ration will depend mainly on how their variation in nutritional composition compares to soybeans and on their price, which will determine their inclusion rate and their actual inclusion.
Protein restriction during the growing period on carcass, meat and fat quality of heavy barrows and gilts
Cereals, oilseeds, and protein and leguminous crops prices and production forecasts
Requirement of standardized ileal digestible valine to lysine ratio for 8- to 14-kg pigs
Low dietary protein decreases ETEC proliferation and attachment in the intestinal mucosa
Soybean meal can be partly replaced by field pea in weanling diets
Alternatives to traditional protein sources
The sharp increase in demand for meat by the population expected in the world in the coming years, means that there is an active search for alternatives, both from a social and an environmental point of view.