Page 13 of articles about pig price
Germany: fewer farms and fewer pigs
China: Pork prices fall for 4 consecutive weeks, a good sign
US pork production overwhelms its market
In US, even with record China sales, production overwhelms the markets, a quite different situation than in Spain, where pig prices soar while packers make handsome profits on exports without being able to raise the prices for pork going into domestic and retail sales.
Pinch me, I must be dreaming
As we close an exceptional year in the pork industry, Spanish's analyst Guillem Burset analyzes the current situation and clues us in to how next year may be.
When the exceptional becomes everyday (or when the unforeseen lasts)
Overwhelming euphoria should not blind us or cloud our senses: What will happen when China returns to self-sufficiency?
Record-breaking hog prices in several countries
China's strong demand for pork, together with the international political situation, has pushed hog prices up in some countries.
Time to strategize for meat producers
The high baseline demand of China on the pork side, due to ASF, will hide how plant-based meats creep up on traditional meat product demand.
FAO Meat Price Index: Ninth consecutive monthly increase
Quotations for pig meat also increased, albeit moderately.
Global pork prices continue to rise
The cornucopia that is today's EU pork production
Production reaps an ample harvest of profits while processing continues to accumulate losses. China imports more and more...
What is the price of pig in South Korea?
As a part of our intention of expanding the information on the prices in the Asian markets, you can now check the daily pig price in South Korea.
China releases pork from its reserves again
ASF China: pig production becomes stable and the increase in prices slows down
China, always China
The pig price in China has grown by 27.5% in 4 weeks from an already record price.