Page 19 of articles about pig price
Riding a powerful diesel engine
Since late January until today, the price at Mercolleida has regained €0.066. We could say that the Spanish price is riding a powerful diesel engine that is propelling it upwards inexorably.
China: pork imports to determine start of seasonal price rise
Prospects for 2017: an optimistic view
Always well-informed economic operators think that the average price in 2017 will not be lower than €1.20/kg, which would not be bad at all.
Belgium: suppression and reduction of the contributions for the pig and cattle sectors
Food commodity prices fall for fifth year in a row in 2016
Belgium: agreement against the volatility of prices in the pig sector
Copa and Cogeca support recommendations to improve farmers weak position in food chain
Two Words for Facing the New Year: Buckle Up!
2017 is setting up to be a very surprising and interesting time in the global pork industry. Everywhere around the globe where pork production is at a comparative advantage, expansion is taking place. In the US, President-elect Trump brings a completely new model of leadership…
Apparent paradoxes, consequent facts. Christmas time
In 2016 the slaughterings will have been 16% higher that in 2014. Production has grown, and this growth has not been penalised yet.
Rabobank: Supply-driven global meat markets to put pressure on prices
U.S. pork industry expected to produce record volumes of pork in the fourth quarter
Increase in the Russian pig production
The (transatlantic) danger does not cease
Both USA and Canada still have an abundance of pigs and very low prices. This great amount of pork must be taken care of, and it will no doubt be at the expense of the European pork.
Rabobank: Global food prices set to stay low in 2017
Rivers of red ink until next April
The author analyzes the loss-making situation that is engulfing the US pig industry and links its future development to globalisation, which progress seems to be slowing down...