Page 24 of articles about pig price
Private Storage Aid schemes for pigmeat will be extended to fresh lard
Copa and Cogeca warn new EU Commission aid package far from sufficient
Crisis in the pig and dairy sectors: the Commission put forward a package of measures
France announces new aid measures for the livestock sector
France is working towards new commercial relationships for the pig sector
Crisis in the EU pig and dairy sectors
Belgium: the Food Chain Agreement proposes a direct aid for pig producers
France: the farmers are still pressing the government
France: the government announces the aid scheme for the livestock sector
France: Mr. Hollande will guarantee better prices for the pig producers
United States: an increase in pork production is expected
Copa and Cogeca call for urgent action to offset severe impact of Russian crisis on EU pigmeat sector
Canada: government supports industry-led study to explore price hog hedging program
European Union: pigmeat production is expected to increase
The ivory tower or defending the impossible
The harsh reality is that the outlook is bleak in all Europe.