Page 10 of articles about piglet
Pig carcass tail lesions: the influence of record keeping through an advisory service and the relationship with farm performance parameters
Feed supplementation of lactobacillus affects performance and immune function of piglets
Ear tagging in piglets: the cortisol response with and without analgesia
Paper in the farrowing quarters: not only for the piglets...
It is easy to see the reaction of the sows (of all of them!) when we supply them with paper. A handful in front of their snout or at the reach of their mouth is enough... oxytocin! It is like giving an injection!
Impact of maternally derived immunity on piglets’ immune response and protection against PCV2 after vaccination at different age
Prevalence and factors associated with the occurrence of bacterial enteropathogens in suckling piglets in farrow-to-finish herds
Pig castration: will the EU manage to ban pig castration by 2018?
EMA recommends banning the therapeutic use of zinc oxide in pigs
Protecting pigs with microbes
How can we expect our livestock to acquire a healthy microbiome when there is such limited exposure to the microbes that they evolved with?
Effects of birth weight, parity and litter size on pig performance, health and welfare
The animals that were retained several times throughout the flow originated from sows with lower average parity. They had a much lower carcass weight (around 10kg) and a higher average score for lameness, pleurisy and enzootic pneumonia lesions.
The importance of dietary protein and Amino Acids after weaning
There is a widespread trend throughout Europe to decrease the protein levels in feeds, together with an adequate supplementation of industrial amino acids.
Feeding large groups of piglets: practical implementation of choice feeding
Choice feeding is the best choice for piglets of different weights and / or ages to choose between two different feeds in order to meet their growth needs. The response is even better in farms with enteric problems.
The performance and behaviour of gilts and their piglets is influenced by whether they were born and reared in farrowing crates or farrowing pens
Mucosa immunity and E. coli
This article explains how E. coli breaks the complex intestinal barrier mechanisms in a comprehensible way.