Page 16 of articles about piglet
Swine influenza virus infections in piglets
A relatively high proportion of young piglets in a farrowing unit of a herd with circulating swine influenza virus may be infected by SIV during the first weeks after birth revealing that not all piglets are protected by maternal antibodies.
Are sows asking for the pig334? (2/2)
Thanks to the combination of a decrease in the number of stillborn and an almost 30% decrease of preweaning mortality (down to 10.2%), the ultimate goal is finally achieved: to wean an additional piglet per sow.
Impact of transmammary-delivered meloxicam in piglets after castration and tail docking
Are sows asking for the pig334? (1/2)
As you probably know, the name pig333 web comes from the length of the sow's gestation, which is "3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days". This paper proposes the necessity to review the length of gestation on our farm.
Escherichia coli infections in pigs (1 of 2)
This article will focus on clinical signs of some E coli infections: neonatal colibacillosis, post-weaning colibacillosis diarrhoea and oedema disease.
AB Neo Launches Axcelera-P, the World's first accelerator for pigs
Detection of enteric pathogens in newborn piglets (2/2)
The main aspect that cannot be forgotten is the complete approach necessary to evaluate all possibilities. In that sense, samples have to be collected and tested to all possible agents that might cause diarrhea.
Anterior teats secrete higher volumes of colostrum than the posterior
Evolution of the numerical productivity during the last decades
The effect of pre- and post-mating dietary restriction on embryonic survival in gilts
Detection of enteric pathogens in newborn piglets (1/2)
The ideal sample for diagnostic of neonatal enteric pathogens is the submission of live piglets.
Bacillus licheniformis and Sodium Butyrate in weanling pigs against Salmonella
The importance of the sow's feed intake and the weaned piglet's weight
The most productive farms are not always the best. We must also bear in mind the weaned piglet's weight and the sow's feed intake.
Phenomenal feed efficiency in newly-weaned pigs: sign of health problems?
The factor that is completely ignored is that newly weaned piglets develop edema; they retain water in their tissues above what is normal and this explains the abnormal gain of the piglet in the first days after weaning.