Page 21 of articles about piglet
Insulin-stimulating diets during the weaning-to-estrus interval in high-prolific multiparous sows
Food comes from farms: Piglets taken away from their mothers
Chitoligosaccharide with different molecular weight on performance, selected microbial populations and nutrient digestibility in the weaned pig
Creep feeding
Suckling effects in sows: importance for mammary development and productivity
L-carnitine supplementation to suckling piglets affects carcass and meat quality at market age
Natural vitamin E (d-α-tocopherol) supplementation in drinking water prevents oxidative stress in weaned piglets
Evaluation of blood parameters as an early assessment of health status in nursery pigs
Live yeast supplementation to gestation and lactation diets on reproductive performance in sows
Small piglets born to young sows: a very dangerous combination (III): Effects on the nurseries
The piglets born to primiparous sows show a worse performance during the nursery stage and a twofold risk of dying than the piglets born to multiparous sows.
Effect of creatine supplementation during the last week of gestation on birth intervals, stillbirth, and preweaning mortality in pigs
The use of chestnuts (Castanea sativa Mill.) as a source of resistant starch in the diet of the weaned piglet
Nurse sows (III): Moving sows “backwards”
In the previous piece of advice we saw that obtaining foster sows by moving piglets "forward" had some disadvantages, which are solved by moving the sows "backwards".
Sow dietary fatty acid profile alters fat metabolism and fatty acid composition in weanling pigs
Small piglets born to young sows: a very dangerous combination (II): Control measures
Small piglets with a low viability are a growing problem, and they represent one of the main causes of pre-weaning mortality.