Page 26 of articles about piglet
Quinoa hull meal affects on piglet performance and intestinal epithelial physiology
Holding together the legs in splay leg cases
We hold the legs of the piglets together with plastic straps, avoiding that they move apart from each other.
Pork CRC encouraging innovation
Effects of dietary seaweed extract supplementation in sows and post-weaned pigs on performance, intestinal morphology, intestinal microflora and immune status
Analysis of the health status in the weaners and fattening stages; a different approach (I)
We analyze a real case, and we will check out how a partial analysis of the data can give place to erroneous conclusions.
Germany: castrating piglets without anaesthesia will be banned
A systematic management strategy for breeding herds based on PRRS herd status
It was developed in USA as a way to improve communication of what needed to be done to improve the chances of success in stabilizing and managing breeding herds.
Plasma protein profiles of neonatal pigs before and after suckling
Dietary supplementation with L-Arginine partially counteracts serum metabonome induced by weaning stress in piglets
How do we even out the litters after the farrowings? (III) Making them equal according to number and size
We are going to see a practical example of how to even out litters after the farrowings in a quick way and minimizing the swappings of piglets.
The importance of colostrum intake
In pigs there is no other phase in which such a high percentage of losses occur such as in motherhood, in particular in the first days of life. At this stage the determining factor for survival is the rapid consumption of colostrum.