Page 31 of articles about piglet


The genus Clostridium includes numerous species of anerobic bacteria with large rod-shaped forms, spore makers, and producers of extremely potent and diverse toxins that are almost always responsible for the diseases they cause.

Colibacilosis in lactating piglets

Escherichia coli is an enterobacteria that forms part of the normal intestinal microbiota of healthy animals. Usually, E. coli present in animals are communal antipathogenic strains and they even play a beneficial role, since they compete in several ways with the pathogenic strains in the ecological niche of the lumen.

Longitudinal study of swine influenza virus infection in a farrow to finish farm

With the objective of determining the dynamic of influenza virus (SIV) infection in a closed cycle farm, investigators from CReSA (Spain) selected a complete batch of piglets weaned at 3 weeks (n=121) from a farm of sows that tested positive for SIV antibodies. They took nasal swabs and blood samples weekly, from week 3 to week 13, and then at weeks 15, 17, 20 and 24. On each visit to the farm, a clinical inspection of the sows was carried out.